Success continues in the Wallace Biology department with the recent results of the Biology Challenge. This follows the excellent results gained by our Year 13 and Year 14 students in the Biology Olympiad run earlier this year.
All Year 11 Biology students had the opportunity to take part in this competition during class time in May competing against 43,685 students from 621 schools worldwide.
Most notable was Kate Lewis who achieved a Gold award putting her in the top 5% of candidates worldwide. Silver awards were achieved by Eden Corken, Sam Ravey, Harry Girvan and Aimee Morrow; 21 students gained a Bronze award with a further 24 students highly commended.

The Biology Challenge is open to students aged 13 to 15 and questions are linked to the school curriculum; the competition also rewards those students whose knowledge of Biology has been increased by reading books and magazines, watching natural history programmes, taking notice of the news media for items of biological interest, or who are generally aware of our natural flora and fauna.

Dr Susan Terris, Head of Biology and Miss Kerrie Ferguson, Head of Year 11 were both extremely proud of the students’ achievements in the competition this year.

The competitive spirit continues right to the end of term in Biology, as a number of Year 13 students came back into school from study leave to participate in the Intermediate Biology Olympiad in June. Staff look forward to receiving results from this group of talented biologists at a later point. We hope to see many students participate in academic competitions in 2023-2024 as such competitions are a great opportunity for stretch and challenge.
Last modified: June 29, 2023