Muddy Marvellous

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On Wednesday 27th February 2019 the A level PE class from the Wallace High School in Lisburn successfully managed the ‘Muddy Mayhem’ event in aid of the Cancer Fund For Children, becoming the first school to mastermind this event in partnership with the charity. Despite the winter date the event at Castlewellan Forest Park was on a day when the weather could not have been any more fitting; the irony was not lost on teachers and pupils who have witnessed rained off sports days!

An amazing total of 368 participants from years eight to fourteen and even some teachers, took to the mud in a five kilometre race. The event proved to be a huge success among both pupils and teachers with a staggering £7380 being raised for the charity. In the words of PE teacher Mr Kidd “the event was a real tough test.” Wallace has “legacy” charities and the school has been involved with the Cancer Fund for Children since 1988;  the money raised from Muddy Mayhem will add to the overall total the school has already presented to the charity which is now approaching the inspirational  total  of £150,000. The 7 strong team of Adam Clarke, Megan Getty, Rachel Houston, Jonathan Lynch, Ben Morrison, Jack Shellard and Joshua Snoddy can take pride in matching the achievements of the 2017 class who also raised over £7000 for the same charity with their Rainbow Rampage/colour run.

Year 8 pupil Josh Bickerstaff was the top fundraiser collecting the very impressive total of £250 for the cause; Josh was delighted to receive his prize from the fund’s Schools’ worker Rebecca Oates which included some restaurant vouchers for the entire family. Speaking after the cheque presentation Rebecca said:

“The school’s link to the charity is very longstanding and it is inspiring to see how successive generations of pupils have been involved. It was a great day in February with an outstanding result and as a charity we are so grateful for your continued support. Warmest congratulations to the A2 class and to their teacher Mr Ian Latham who has been a tremendous support to them. I’m sure it won’t be long before the £150,000 threshold is passed.”

Last modified: April 9, 2019