Sandwiched between recent hugely successful celebrations of the birth of our founder and anticipation of our 140th anniversary next year Autumn 2019 seems a good time to offer some brief reflection.
Did you attend one of the legendary school camps to Kilkenny, Dun Laoghaire, Portora Royal or Limerick? Have you been on an SU weekend to Castlewellan or Annalong? Were you a regular attender at SU back in “your day”? Did you go to India with Asha? Would you simply like to come along to an event at the start of another school year to celebrate the life of the school?
Thank God for Wallace will be held on Friday 13th September in the Assembly Hall at 7.30 pm. Staff member Miss Chelsea Pascoe has gathered a number of present and past pupils to lead the singing at what will be an informal service and a number of former pupils (Ian Grant, Michael Anderson, Niall Lockhart) will contribute to the evening. We will hear about the school’s contribution to international charity Asha and there will be a chance to contribute to the school’s charitable projects.
“No man is an island” and our school’s achievements stands squarely upon the work of many local primary schools. We hope to pray for the staff and pupils of our feeder schools as they also begin a new year.

Light refreshments will be served thanks to the PTA so there will be an opportunity to catch up with some Wallace friends. If you have any embarrassing/incriminating photographs of your Wallace adventures feel free to bring them along! We hope to see many members of the Wallace family at this event.
Last modified: September 6, 2019