Our Senior Prefect Team play a central role in the day to day running of the school. They are chosen by a robustly democratic voting procedure which involves both their peers and their teachers. The students are given the opportunity, prior to the voting process, to outline to staff the contributions they have made to the life of our school community. Our 2021/2022 team will probably always remember their “Covid years” which, sadly, robbed them of some anticipated opportunities but also prompted them to explore new avenues of experience. Head Girl Sophie, for example, when deprived of her usual sporting activities became an award-winning public speaker. We are delighted to introduce the members of this year’s group to you and thank Mr Finney, IT Technician, for the photographs accompanying the article. We usually refer to these informal shots as the “engagement” photographs!

Sophie Hinds: Head Girl
Subjects: Biology, English Literature and Geography at A-level.
Plans for next year: I hope to study Law here in Northern Ireland or potentially over in England.
What I contribute to the Senior Prefect Team: I am competitive, determined and I have absolutely loved being a part of the Wallace community for the past six years. I’m very excited to continue to work hard and to get to know pupils across every year group in my final year of school.
Best Wallace memory: My most memorable school experiences to date have included getting the face paint on to support the WHS Sports teams at Cup Competition finals and getting away on my first Senior Hockey tour to Loughborough in 2018.
Ewan Patterson: Head Boy
Subjects: I am studying Chemistry, Biology and Geography.
Plans for next year: After my final year at Wallace I hope to study Medicine at university.
What I can contribute to the Senior Prefect Team: I am approachable and reliable. I think I can bring good leadership, communication and organisational skills to the Senior Prefect Team this year.
Best Wallace memory: My best memories at Wallace have been playing hockey throughout my time in school, including winning the Richardson Cup in Year 11.

Matthew Halliday: Deputy Head Boy
Subjects: Biology, Geography and History.
What I plan to do next year: I hope to study Law at Queen’s University Belfast.
What I can contribute to the Team: I am an approachable and friendly person. I plan to bring enthusiasm, confidence, and leadership to the Senior Prefect Team throughout this year.
Best Wallace memory: Playing both Rugby and Cricket throughout my school years with the highlight being winning the Mourne Cup in Year 9.
Abi Menown: Deputy Head Girl
Subjects: Chemistry, Biology, Nutrition and Food science and AS Maths.
Plans for next year: I hope to study Medicine, potentially at Queen’s University, St Andrews or Glasgow.
What I contribute to the senior prefect team: I am excited to be part of the Senior Prefect team this year. I aim to be enthusiastic, approachable, encouraging and embody the CORE values and spirit of Wallace.
Best Wallace memory: The Boston 2020 ski trip was an incredible experience where I was able to challenge myself in a new environment and make unforgettable memories with my school friends and teachers.

Paddy Watson: Deputy Head Boy
Subjects: Maths, Biology and Chemistry.
Plans for next year: I hope to continue my studies by studying Medicine at university.
What I contribute to the senior prefect team: I plan to bring leadership skills and share my experiences of balancing school and extra-curricular activities.
Best Wallace memory: Winning the Burney Cup, McCullough Cup and the Richardson Cup when I was in Year 11.
Maddie Taylor: Deputy Head Girl
Subjects: Business Studies, Nutrition and Food Science and Religious Studies.
Plans for the next year: I hope to continue my studies, by going to university and I am leaning towards studying law.
What I contribute to the Senior Prefect Team: I am very excited to be part of the Senior Prefect Team. I hope to be a good role model to younger students, by being approachable and hard-working.
Best Wallace memory: Without a doubt my best memories would be playing hockey from Year 8 to 6th form and getting to go on so many hockey tours to Glasgow, Dublin and Loughborough throughout the years.

Peter Glenn: Deputy Head Boy
Subjects: Biology, Chemistry and Music.
Plans for next year: To study Pharmacy at Queen’s University Belfast.
What I contribute to the Senior Prefect Team: I hope to be a good role model for younger students by being respectful, organised, enthusiastic and confident.
Best Wallace memory: Going to sing at Saint Patrick’s in Lisburn every Christmas since Year 8. Over the last four years, I’ve especially enjoyed singing with the Honours Choir.
Samantha Todd: Deputy Head Girl
Subjects: Biology, Chemistry & Nutrition & Food Science.
Plans for next year: I plan to study Veterinary Science at university.
What I contribute to the Senior Prefect Team: I hope to use the CORE values of Wallace to encourage all pupils, along with bringing enthusiasm and friendliness to the team!
Best Wallace memory: My best memory at Wallace so far has been the Glasgow Hockey Tour in Year 10.

Oliver Heath: Deputy Head Boy
Subjects: Music, English Literature and History.
Plans for Next Year: I hope to study Composition at a music conservatoire in England.
What I contribute to the Senior Prefect Team: I think I bring a lively spirit to the team.
I try to be a role model for younger students and spread school spirit.
Best Wallace memory:
Performing as Scrooge in the school play was an excellent opportunity to meet people from other year groups and enjoy performing for the school
Elektra Epanomeritakis: Deputy Head Girl
Subjects: Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Further Maths.
Plans for next year: I hope to study Medicine in either England or Scotland.
What I contribute to the Senior Prefect Team: I am very excited to be a part of the Senior Prefect Team and I am looking forward to supporting my teachers, peers and younger pupils throughout this academic year.
Best Wallace memory: Attending the Paris trip in 2018 and the Ski trip to Boston in 2020. I have many fond memories of great experiences during both trips.

Last modified: November 23, 2022