Storms and smiles as Sixth Year enjoy last day

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To use a phrase drawn from cricket rain stopped play but didn’t dampen the high spirits of the class of 2018. The weather gods did not smile as Year 14 celebrated their official last day and moved closer to completing their external examinations. As is traditional the pupils enjoyed a special leavers’ day allowing them to embrace their inner child (bouncy castle anyone?) in addition to reminiscing with their teachers about the seven years which have flown by!

A formal Leavers’ Assembly started proceedings with speeches from Principal Deborah O’Hare, Head of Year Matthew Glenn, Assistant Head of Year Alana Frey, Head Girl Abi Wallace and Head Boy Paddy Hunter. The Leavers’ Committee ably led by Ryan Simpson and Shannon Thompson had also put together an entertaining photo montage featuring those always embarrassing Year 8 SIMS pictures coupled with memories of trips and triumphs enjoyed by the group. Teaching staff had also contributed by recording fond video messages highlighting their memories of Year 14 and the occasional “special” pupil!

Formalities over the students moved to the Sports Hall (weather gods still scowling over the pitches) where they enjoyed a tasty BBQ and an afternoon of fun and relaxation, taking time to play on the bouncy castle and taking many a selfie to mark their last formal day in school.

Jessica Skates and Stephanie Scanlan commented, “Despite the weather it was a brilliant and fun day – a fitting end to a fabulous seven years.’

Speaking afterward the Pastoral Team noted:
“Particular thanks are due to the Leavers’ Committee for all their hard work and to all our Year 14 students for their varied and valuable contributions to school life. We are very proud of each and every one of them and their achievements thus far. We wish each of them the very best as external examinations are completed and look forward to hearing of their future successes.”

Last modified: October 16, 2024