We are pleased to introduce what will be a regular website feature. Wallace Women will be a series of profiles of former pupils of the school and will outline some of their life experiences after leaving Wallace. Mrs Sandra McCabe is the current Chairperson of our Board of Governors and has been described by our Principal as a “living embodiment of the school’s core values.” As her first form classmates announced their ambitions to be accountants, doctors, lawyers and teachers Mrs McCabe expressed her honest wish to be a travel agent or an air hostess earning herself the disdainful response “so you’re just a girl with her head in the clouds.” Mrs McCabe’s subsequent successes clearly show that her feet have always been firmly on the ground (usually in her trademark high heels!) as the girl who left school on her 16th birthday (without sitting her O levels) has grown a hugely successful business,Oasis Travel. Despite the crisis generated in the travel industry by Covid-19 Mrs McCabe remains remarkably optimistic and cheerful! Her son Scott attended Wallace where he was part of a very elite group of boys’ hockey players who achieved the legendary double-twice!

What is your best Wallace memory?
As I was always keen to travel it has to be the school trips abroad!! Paris and the ski trip to Italy really stand out. We had such fun even though the accommodation could have been better. I still maintain that who you travel with is the most important part of your journey.
What values do you think the school taught you?
Respect is the one that comes to mind. Having respect for friends, teachers and the reputation of the school ensures that you adhere to all the values.
What are the greatest challenges and greatest joys of your work?
Challenges are continually adapting to the changes that the travel industry constantly goes through as well as keeping up to date with the new products! The greatest joy is creating memories for people that will last forever.
What advice would you give your 18 year old self?
Definitely to follow your dreams. You spend such a huge portion of your life working that it is important to do a job that you love.

What do you regard as your greatest achievement?
My greatest achievement was receiving the Outstanding Contribution to the UK Travel Industry two years ago in London. It was a huge surprise and I felt very privileged.
Last modified: January 4, 2021