The Wallace High School was last week recognised by Lisburn City Council as the first school in the area to receive the Foods Standards Agency’s Eat Safe Award.The Award was introduced by the Agency in 2003 as a way of recognising businesses which go above and beyond the requirements of current legislation and meet the highest standards of food hygiene.
Canteen Supervisor, Mrs Alison Jackson, is rightly delighted at being the first school in the area to receive this national award. She said,”I feel that the Eat Safe Award is a result if the effective partnership between the school and the team of canteen staff. Wallace has invested in a very up to date kitchen and the catering staff have participated in a variety of training initiatives which are invaluable in helping us meet changing food trends. ”
Robert Burns, Bursar of Wallace High, added, “As a school we are committed to achieving excellence in all areas of school life.
The school’s catering team offers a wide range of healthy options in line with the new nutritional guidelines for schools and works hard to maintain high standards. This award recognises the qualifications achieved by our catering team as well as the high standard in food hygiene maintained by Alison and all the canteen ladies in our school kitchen. I congratulate them all.”
Last modified: October 16, 2007