Three former Wallace High School pupils are leaving the corridors of the Clonevin Park School behind this weekend and heading to the “dreaming spires” of Oxford. All three boys, Christopher Fullerton, Fergus Nelson and Christopher McCabe, have won places to read Physics at the prestigious university. The boys each studied Maths, Further Maths, Physics and Chemistry at A Level and were all awarded four A grades.
19 year old Christopher McCabe from Dromore is going to Worcester College. “I’m really looking forward to the experience. People say that the workload will be very heavy but I love Physics and think that if you enjoy a subject studying it won’t be a chore. I can’t wait to be a part of the tradition of Oxford – one of the first things I have to do when I arrive is be measured up for a gown and mortar board. I want to become fully involved in College life – having recently returned from my Gold Duke of Edinburgh Expedition to the Pyrennes I definitely want to continue hillwalking and I’d like to get involved in community work. Worcester College is linked to Princeton in the States, so I’d be keen to travel on an exchange programme.”
18 year old Fergus Nelson from Crumlin is going to the smaller Mansfield College, home to only 190 undergraduates.
Fergus admits that this was part of Mansfield’s appeal, “I know there’ll be a real sense of community in my college – it’s not much bigger than my Upper sixth Form at Wallace. I’ll have the best of both worlds – meeting the other Physics undergraduates , including the two Christophers, at lectures, whilst having the homely atmosphere of Mansfield.I’d like to take up rowing and perhaps play rugby for my college team.”
Fergus , who was one of Wallace’s Deputy Head boys last year, paid credit to the assistance he received during his seven years at the school. ” I have quite a severe visual impairment – all the staff at Wallace went out of their way to help me . Their support was invaluable and I can’t thank them enough. My Gold Expedition to the Pyrennes wasa the perfect end to seven great years at school.”
Christopher Fullerton (19) from the Pond Park Road, is going to the academically renowned St John’s College, alma mater to famous names such as Tony Blair and Kingsley Amis.
Having been heavily involved in the musical life of Wallace, Christopher hopes to continue this interest at Oxford. ” I’m looking forward to all that Oxford has to offer and am ready for the challenge of moving away from home. I know I’ll be happy in Oxford as it has such a sense of history and the town itself has a brilliant atmosphere as it’s so student centred.”
Christopher also paid tribute to the guidance the three boys received in preparation for their Oxford applications, “Our Principal Mrs McBride was very generous with her time and our subject teachers were very supportive and encouraging.”
Whilst the boys’ primary concern is making the most of university life and gaining their degrees, they have allowed themselves a quick peek into the future , with Chrstopher Fullerton considering a career in academia, Fergus Nelson in business and Christopher McCabe in research.
Head of Physics at Wallace, Mr Maurice Girvan commented, “We’re very proud of the boys’ achievements and look forward to hearing of their continued successes.”
Last modified: February 24, 2016