Sponsored Degrees, 5 January 2016

Written by | Principal

For many students and parents the variation between university fees in Great Britain and Northern Ireland has become a deciding factor in many decisions about university choice. As a consequence the entrance requirements for our two local universities are likely to continue to rise. The Vice-Chancellor of Queen’s University recently announced that from next year it is likely that a minimum of ABB will be necessary for any course.

The increase in fees in GB has led to some interesting new government innovation.

The website www.notgoingtouni.co.uk gives a really good flavour of the range of sponsored degrees available to young people, who have completed A levels. Essentially, the model is that the young person gains permanent employment in an employer-university partnership, working and completing a degree, which is fully paid while earning a modest salary, certainly enough to cover living costs.

The companies involved are well-known, successful and simply keen to recruit the best early and mould them. Some examples are Deloitte, Unilever, Atos (global IT), QinetiQ (STEM), GSK IT, RBS, KPMG, Airbus Group, Nestle, National Grid.

Students may wish to consider applications to these sponsored degrees. It is outside the UCAS process so does not reduce or impact on UCAS applications.

Last modified: March 9, 2017