The Wallace High School Preparatory Department unusually performed their annual Nativity on Thursday 6th January. The children and parents remained in the festive spirit to share in the children’s performances on the day known as The Feast of the Epiphany, when the Wise Men are said to have visited the baby Jesus. Our Wise Men were right on time!!
The morning began with the Primary four – Primary Seven children giving a choral performance of the Christmas story interspersed with traditional Biblical readings.
The readers and soloists from Key Stage Two reflected the hard work of all the children who hadn’t forgotten a single line or cue over the two week break.
Updated with no freezing. Please note video is 42 minutes in length.
A ‘sparkling nativity’ was then performed by Primary One – Primary Four.
‘Shine Star Shine’, written by Nikki Davies tells the story of the big star, performed by N. Slattery (P3) , who needs to show the way to the stable in Bethlehem, where a special baby has been born.
There is one problem; however, she just can’t shine! Her friends, the other stars, try all they can to make her shine and when they lead her to the stable to see the baby, she realises the Jesus’ love will give her all the strength to shine again!
Last modified: January 8, 2011