The Wallace High School, Preparatory Department is pleased to announce the opening of the Montessori Pre Prep on the 9th May. Head of Department, Mrs Latham has been delighted by the response to the new venture “The Montessori Pre Prep will offer a rich and meaningful range of activities designed to stimulate and develop pupils in their pre-school years. Our recent Open Morning was a great success and we are absolutely thrilled by the interest for our new early years provision”.
The Montessori Pre Prep will give younger children their all-important introduction to the learning environment from the age of 2 years and ten months. Our highly qualified staff will plan the structure of our Pre Prep activities carefully, in order to develop the children’s self-confidence and nurture an enjoyment of school. The addition of social experience and stimulating play will provide a fully rounded educational foundation during the vital early years.
Pre Prep Leader, Mrs Mulholland added “The children joining the preparatory department at this early stage will have firm academic and social foundations for life. We are pleased to announce that the Montessori Pre Prep will offer both morning and afternoon sessions. The morning session will be exclusively for children in their pre-school year and the afternoon session will be available for those children who are in their penultimate pre –school year.”
A limited number of spaces are still available in each session. Please contact Mrs Whiteside, the preparatory secretary for further details on 028 9267 2311
Last modified: April 3, 2011