Results of AQE CEA will posted to parents/guardians on Saturday 6th February 2010. These will published in the form of a standardised test score with an associated quintile. The scores have been divided into five quintiles, or parts. Within each quintile fall 20% of the scores obtained by the total number of candidates – so 20% of scores fall between 145 and 113, 20% between 112 and 106 and so on.
Only once all transfer applications have been processed and places allocated will the School be in a position to publish how the application of admissions criteria arrived at final admissions decisions.
Wallace has sought to support parents and young people in the planning and preparation of our schools as examination centres. The Principal has met with local Primary School Principals seeking to communicate openly in the best interests of the young people transferring in this area.
There is not a direct relationship between each quintile and the traditional Transfer grades. The advice of the School is that parents should use the Transfer form to put down their chosen schools in order of preference rather than trying to anticipate whether or not the score is sufficient to gain admission.
Last modified: May 15, 2010