The Wallace High School Class of 2006 marked their last school day with a series of special events. Following the issue of examination cards and speeches from their Form Staff Mrs Margaret Mitchell and Mrs Julie Dumigan, a witty video capturing many aspects of life in the Clonevin Park School was shown.
Iain Livingston from the Sixth Form Committee commented, “We as a Form had been filming during break and lunch times over the past few weeks and the end result was amazing, thanks to the technological expertise of Ian Robinson and the support of the ICT department. Thanks also go to the Parent Teacher Association who funded not only copies of the DVD for everyone but also “Class of 2006″ keyrings.”
The teenagers then enjoyed a performance form the Sixth Form band who had prepared renditions of fitting hits such as Greenday’s “Wake me up when September ends” and Alice Cooper’s “School’s out for Summer”.
Following coffee with their subject teachers, Principal Mrs McBride bade farewell to the Class of 2006, thanking them for their valued contribution to school life and encouraging them to keep in touch with the school.
The Head Boy, Stephen Taylor, Head Girl, Amy McComish and Deputy Head Boy Keith Lunn then reflected on life in the school, paying tribute to the work of the teaching staff not only in the classroom but also in extra curricular activities. They also thanked the ancillary staff for their efforts in ensuring the smooth running of the school. All three reminisced over highlights of the Class of 2006 including sporting successes and tours and numerous charity event s such as Christmas Pie and Strictly Come Dancing .
The Upper Sixth Committee then made several very generous presentations including a clock to the school as well as gifts to the Principal, Vice Principals and Form staff.
The Wallace pupils then moved out to the school grounds to enjoy a barbecue and games including a bouncy castle.
Adam Getty, who joined Wallace at the start of Lower Sixth commented, “The past two years have been thoroughly enjoyable and our last day provided a great way to relax together before we start study leave.
Thanks must go to Mrs Dumigan and the Upper Sixth Committee who worked really hard to organise the events for us and to all the staff who helped out on the day.”
Some of the Upper Sixths found the day especially poignant as they had spent a total of 14 years at Wallace.
Head Girl Amy McComish explained, “It’s quite difficult to leave somewhere which has been a major part of our lives for so long. A group of us who started as P1 of the Prep Department in 1992 revisited our Prep teachers this week to say goodbye. I know that we, the class of 2006, will stay in touch not just with each other but also with the school. Whilst it is quite nerve racking to be leaving behind somewhere so familiar we know that our time here has prepared us for the challenges which lie ahead as we move on to a new and exciting stage of our lives.”
All at Wallace wish the Upper Sixths well as they prepare for their A2 examinations.
Last modified: March 8, 2017