Wallace High School Sixth Year students have been working at the forefront of technological innovation, in partnership with ICT leaders Microsoft.
As part of an exciting pilot scheme the Lisburn teenagers have been paired with young people from Dunshaughlin Community College, Co. Meath.
Wallace’s ICT coordinator David Cleland explained, “We were delighted to be the only school in Northern Ireland to be selected to take part in this cutting edge scheme. Dunshaughlin CC is a Microsoft Innovative School and we have thoroughly enjoyed working in partnership with them.”
History teacher Neil Armstrong went on, “Our AS History students have had the opportunity to use the latest Ultra Mobile Personal Computers (UMPC), supplied by Intel and Samsung, to facilitate their learning through the Microsoft OneNote Program.
OneNote, whilst created primarily for the office environment, has become a useful tool in the classroom in the United States, as has the use of UMPC’s. Our students have used this cutting edge and environmentally friendly device whilst completing their work on Twentieth Century Germany and they were able to share resources with their peers in Dublin.”
Microsoft’s School’s Technology Innovation Centre Manager Tom Jackson added, “When I was considering what school I wanted to approach to participate in this Microsoft OneNote project, Wallace High was the very first that came to mind. They were a natural choice, because of their passion for innovation and their commitment to student learning, From the Principal, Mrs McBride, through the ICT staff and teachers, Wallace was fully committed to making the most of the opportunity. The feedback from teachers and students alike shows that Microsoft OneNote is a powerful and important learning tool.”
Sixth Year Katie Martin concluded, “I thoroughly enjoyed taking part in this pilot scheme and found it very beneficial in helping me organise my research. It also promoted independent study which will help prepare me for university life.”
David Cleland concluded, “I am delighted that Microsoft offered us this opportunity and look forward to further collaborative learning experiences in the future.”
Last modified: November 19, 2008