It is with great pleasure that we invite you to peruse our new look Esperance, a pictorial record which showcases the vibrant life of our school. Our school magazine, Esperance, is a valuable part of our rich culture and heritage.
Over decades it has charted the life of the school and celebrated the achievements of generations. Little did the Wallace family in the early years of the twentieth century imagine that we would now be at the forefront of the digital age.
Whilst the keynote is change, the foundations of Esperance remain constant. We celebrate the achievements and successes of the school year, whether that is academic, sporting, musical, individual or collective. It pays tribute to all our current pupils and offers those who have not yet reached the school a taste of the wealth and depth of opportunities available.
Our pupils and staff have been busy, armed with the latest technology, recording memorable and exciting moments of the past year. Classroom activities and the wide range of extra-curricular opportunities have been captured on camera so you too can share the myriad of experiences offered by The Wallace High School. We have tried to make our Pictorial as inclusive as possible: our new Year 8 Class Photographs appear, as do last year’s Upper Sixth Prize-winners.
This marks a beginning and an end to school life. There is the serious business of academic results and the fun of extra-curricular activities. From the corridors of Clonevin Park to the Mountains of Mourne, the sports pitches to the streets of Berlin, come with us on a journey of 2010/2011.
The digital download is designed to work on Mobile devices, PCs and Macs.
Last modified: June 29, 2011