Three pupils from The Wallace High School recently represented Northern Ireland at the prestigious UK School Games in Gateshead, Newcastle. This is a significant event in the British sporting calendar now and is seen as preparation for talented athletes who may represent their country at major international sporting events. As such it includes opening and closing ceremonies, as well as an athlete’s village.
Year 12 pupil, Matthew O’Connor, finished 14th overall in the Gymnastics competition and a highly respectable 6th on the high bar, whilst Year 10 pupil, Allanah Stephenson reached the quarter finals in badminton singles and doubles, an outstanding achievement for a pupil competing against much older players.
Matthew Murphy (Year 14) helped the hockey squad to an excellent silver medal finish and commented: “To be involved in the event was really enjoyable and gave us all a taste of what it is like to be an athlete at the highest possible level. The Opening Ceremony was the highlight for me and I know that the other two Wallace pupils enjoyed the whole experience immensely.”
Last modified: September 14, 2010