The Wallace High School handed over twenty one hampers to Women’s Aid, Lisburn during their last week of term. This is the seventh year of the hamper collection and involves all junior pupils within the school.
Joan O’Neill and Kate McKeever from Women’s Aid picked up the hampers from school and were delighted as always with the generosity of the local pupils.
The hampers go to women within their refuge and also to those within the after care programme run by the charity. Aislinn Duffy, a Year 14 pupil at Wallace has been involved in the project for the past six years and was very proud to be there for the handover: “It has been a privilege to be involved for the past six years and especially this year as this is my last opportunity to help with this worthy cause. I would also like to thank Mrs Hawthorne for co ordinating the other pupil leaders.”
Last modified: December 21, 2011