Information for Prospective Parents and Pupils:
The Wallace High School is one of a large number of Grammar Schools using AQE tests, designed, administered and assessed by AQE Ltd as a means of assessment in its application of admissions criteria 2010. AQE Ltd has provided the school with the names of young people who have been allocated this school as their test centre.
At the end of September a letter, was sent to the parent(s)/ guardian(s) of all young people sitting AQE tests at Wallace with details about the date and time of the Familiarisation Morning and the three mornings of tests.
AQE Common Entrance Assessment Familiarisation Morning will take place on Saturday 7th November 2009 10am-11am. Children sitting the tests in this centre and their parents/guardians will receive an invitation by post with further details of this event.
Last modified: October 6, 2009