Wallace’s High School Young Enterprise Company “Kaleidoscope” recently scooped a prestigious award at a competitive Trade Fair held in Ballymena. The company, which is staffed by students from Lower Sixth, was formed in September 2007 as part of Wallace’s enrichment programme for Sixth Year students.
Managing Director Lindsey Freeman explained, “We’ve put a great deal if work into developing our product and were delighted to be recognised at the Trade Fair. We have made a travel journal for young children which encourages awareness in all that Northern Ireland has to offer.
The book includes puzzles and activities which challenge young minds as well as interesting facts about Northern Ireland’s top visitor attractions. It also includes space for children to include their own reactions to visits and even their own photographs”
IT Director Kimberly Hammonds went on, “We made sure our design was attractive and child friendly and carried out a lot of market research so winning this award means that we know our hard work really paid off. We ‘d like to thank our advisor, Suzanne Lutton from Lisburn City Council, whose guidance has been invaluable. We’re now looking forward to future Trade fairs but in the meantime anyone who would like to purchase a copy of the journal should contact us via the school.”
Last modified: January 11, 2009