School Prospectus 2013

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The 2013 Wallace prospectus is captioned Wallace High School Where Everyone Counts and the challenge was to produce a cover design which reflected that belief. The answer? An artistically challenging production featuring every pupil present in school on a designated date.

In a single 4 hour window talented photographers from the Wallace staff embarked on a marathon of smiles and snaps.

We anticipate that many happy moments will be spent searching for each individual face and to give a sense of the fun of the day a film has been produced.

The 2013 School Prospectus Cover from Wallace High on Vimeo.

Using a time lapse the 4 hours of hair swishing, tie tying and general posing has been compressed into just 2 minutes of film.

Click the play button and see who you can spot!

Prospectus 2013



Last modified: May 16, 2019