Inspectors from The Education and Training Inspectorate (ETI) recently returned to The Preparatory Department within The Wallace High School to evaluate if it had maintained and developed their previous ‘Very Good’ grading.
The Preparatory Department was initially inspected in 2013 in which ETI found that the school was ‘meeting very effectively the educational and pastoral needs of the children and has demonstrated its capacity for sustained self-improvement.’ ETI found the achievements and standards in English, mathematics and ICT to be ‘Very Good to Outstanding.’ Child Protection and Pastoral Care were also graded as ‘Outstanding’
In June 2016 Inspectors returned to the Clonevin Park school and found that the Department, ‘continues to effect improvement through effective development planning underpinned by robust monitoring and evaluation.’ Inspectors praised ‘the further development of talking, listening and writing across the school, which had been integrated effectively across the curriculum based in real-life contexts and is well-supported by the use of ICT.’
The Inspection team praised the Head of Department and key co-ordinators for their clear ‘commitment to raising the standards by all children.’ Of particular strength was that ‘effective use is made of performance data to set targets, identify low and underachievement and plan for appropriate interventions.’ Following rigorous examination of the school’s data, Inspectors concluded that, ‘almost all children are making progress in line with their ability or above expectation.’
Concluding their Inspection findings, ETI confirmed that The Wallace High School Preparatory Department, ‘demonstrates a high level of capacity for sustained self-improvement in the interests of the children.’
Commenting on the Inspection findings, Mr Lawther, Head of Preparatory said, ‘I am delighted with the findings of this Sustaining Improvement Inspection. It is reassuring to note that ETI has recognised our on-going commitment to continuously improve the standards achieved in this school through rigorous self-evaluation. It is a testament to the hard work of our pupils, parents, staff and governors.
Mrs O’Hare, Principal commented, “Mr Lawther is a very able and effective leader supported by outstanding teaching and support staff. This warm commendation of their combined work is no surprise. Our Preparatory Department is a wonderful, friendly community providing outstanding education for children from 2 years and 10 months of age to the beginning of their post primary education at age 11.”
For more information on the Preparatory Department within The Wallace High School please visit or email
Last modified: March 14, 2017