The new Young Enterprise team from Wallace High School, ‘quirktees’, is a firm consisting of eleven eager teenagers who have an aim to make a profit. The business idea revolves around t-shirt manufacturing, as we came up with a range of designs and puns and discovered a way of printing them out on pre-ordered t-shirts. We sold many t-shirts at the Castle & Towers Board- North East Region trade fair in Ballymena’s Fairhill Shopping Centre.
The centre was filled with determined Christmas shoppers, so it was important to make our business stand out. We were able to make a website; and the general public have been able to order our t-shirts from the internet and suggest their ideas to us.
We have also been making custom t-shirts for people, which have sold well. Our website is a work-in progress as we are continually trying to make it easier for customers to use. The judges were very impressed by our website and our innovative skills regarding computers and therefore rewarded us with a prize for ‘The Best Use of IT’. ‘quirktees’ is a growing business and we aim to inform more people about our company and make a huge profit from our efforts.
Last modified: February 8, 2012