Chloe Carson, a Year 12 pupil at The Wallace High School has been selected as a Youth Ambassador for the prestigious UK – German Connection which aims to encourage others to take an interest in both the German language and culture through a series of programmes.
As an Ambassador Chloe is required to attend two meetings every year, one in London and another in Berlin in July 2012. Whilst there she meets with other Youth Ambassadors from the United Kingdom and Germany to discuss ideas for projects within local schools.
Commenting on her role Chloe said: “I was delighted to be selected as an Ambassador and enjoyed attending meetings during the summer and more recently in London as it’s a great opportunity to meet other people from different cultures and backgrounds. I would also like to thank my teachers in school for developing my interest in German and hope that I can bring some of our ideas back to my fellow pupils in school.”
Last modified: December 5, 2011