Upper Sixth pupils in The Wallace High School staged two very successful productions of “Christmas Pie” at the end of term to raise money for The Cystic Fibrosis Trust. Christmas Pie is a long standing Wallace tradition – having been performed by Sixth years for over thirty years.
Each performance, lasting over one hour, had been scripted and choreographed by the pupils as the result of several weeks of extra curricular effort. “Pie” Committee member Marc Jamison explained, “We decided to write our show around the idea of a television channel – in our case WH1 – and present a typical Christmas Day viewing for our audiences.”
Amy McComish went on, “Musical performances of this year’s big hits including “I Predict a Riot” and “Since you’ve been gone” were really enjoyable and our three dances really showed the talent of our year group.” Keith Lunn added, “The past few weeks have been brilliant. Whilst it has been hectic getting everything ready for the performances, our year group has had such a laugh during rehearsals. Everyone looks forward to seeing Pie each year and taking part in it is a real highlight of Sixth year at Wallace.”
Assistant Head of Year Julie Dumigan commented, “Congratulations must go to the steering committee, cast and crew for their wonderful performances. I hope our pupils will remember this experience for many years to come.” Teacher Gillian McGarry concluded, “It has been a pleasure to work with such a motivated and talented group of young people. Over £1500 was raised for The Cystic Fibrosis Trust – an incredible sum which is testament to the generosity of the entire school community.”
Much to the delight of pupils, several members of staff also performed a short pantomime this year – The Wizard of Wall-Oz ” which added greatly to the end of term festivities.
Last modified: January 11, 2009