On Wednesday 14 December, the P7 children organised a Victorian Fayre. The children were learning about life in Victorian times and their traditions at Christmas. The children...
On Friday 14 October 2011, the Preparatory Department celebrated Heroes Day. This day was created by a teacher in England who lost a friend in the war in Afghanistan. All the...
We kept a close eye and ear on nature in October as we explored the Great Outdoors. We loved shopping in our very own farm shop where we bought groceries 4p and under to link in...
On Tuesday, the 4th of October Primary 4 visited Castle Ward for Applefest. Special thanks to Cheryl Stafford who came with us. I am not going to tell you about our day but...
The Preparatory Department celebrated European Languages day on Monday 26 September. The children came appropriately dressed for a day with a European flavour. Parents were...
Primary Three were delighted when Mrs Reena Abhol, one of our Pre Prep parents, agreed to join our class to share some Indian foods and customs. Mrs Abhol had indeed been busy...
The Wallace High School Preparatory Department proudly welcomed their new Primary One class. The children have been looking forward to starting school and excitement mounted...
The children in P5 have been studying The Ancient Egyptians as part of their learning in the World around Us. We researched mummy making, Tutankhamun, pyramids, hieroglyphic...
The Primary Seven Children at the The Wallace High School Preparatory Department received a surprise this week after a visit to Dobbies Garden Centre. The Preparatory Pupils are...